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Bamboo orchid

Arundina graminifolia

世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄 IUCN

無危 (LC, Least Concern)

內容 ​Description:

竹葉蘭(Arundina graminifolia)屬叢生地生蘭,一般15-90厘米高。葉片細長,長5-18厘米,寬6-10毫米,呈披針形,形似竹葉。花序頂生,花瓣帶肉質明顯比萼片寬,顏色呈淡粉紅色到紫紅色及淡紫色,通常玫瑰紫紅色。竹葉蘭花期為六至十二月,一般可生長於有日光照射和濕潤環境,亦可於岩石、溪邊草被上生長。現時於本地被列為無危物種。由於它屬於容易適應物種,容易吸引業餘賞花者採摘。


Bamboo orchid (Arundina graminifolia), growing in tight clumps, generally 15-90cm high. Leaves thin and long, 5-18 cm long, 6-10 mm wide, lanceolate, and shaped like bamboo leaves. Inflorescence is terminal, the petals are fleshy and obviously wider than the sepals, colour palest pink to rosy mauve. Flowering from June to December, and can generally grow in a moist and/or open area exposed to sunlight. It can also grows on rocks, nearby streams and grassland. Sinces bamboo orchids are an adaptable species, it is easier to attract flower observers to pick it. It is currently classified as a least concern (LC) species in IUCN Red List.

Arundina graminifolia 竹葉蘭 (Photo by: Nate Kwong)
Arundina graminifolia 竹葉蘭 (Photo by: Nate Kwong)
Arundina graminifolia 竹葉蘭 (Photo by: Nate Kwong)
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