Buttercup Orchid
Spathoglottis pubescens
世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄 IUCN :
無危 (LC, Least Concern)
內容 Description:
苞舌蘭(Spathoglottis pubescens)屬地生蘭,俗稱牛油杯。 一般70厘米高,葉片具褶,線狀披針形,銳尖或漸尖。花瓣為明亮的黃色、寬長圓形,苞舌花期為6-10月,分布廣泛,一般可生長於空曠既草叢或山坡引水道。苞舌蘭容易受到斜坡鞏固工程及修草影響。本物種於東南亞廣泛分佈,現時本地列為無危物種。
Buttercup Orchid (Spathoglottis pubescens) is a terrestrial Species. Generally 70 cm tall, plicate, linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate. The petals are bright yellow, broad and oblong. Buttercup Orchid flowering from June to October. buttercup orchid is the ont common found in hong kon orchid species. It is abundantly widespread in Hong Kong, generally grows in open areas, grassland or hillside waterways. They are easily affected by slope upgrading works and grass mowing. This species is widely distributed in Southeast Asia, and is currently classified as a least concern (LC) species locally.