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Dienia ophrydis
Dienia ophrydis
世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄 IUCN :
無危 (LC, Least Concern)
內容 Description:
闊葉沼蘭 (Dienia ophrydis) 屬地生蘭。葉呈卵形、闊大、皺褶和漸尖;長6-18厘米。花簇生,顏色為黃綠色到淡紫色或紫紅色,唇瓣深紫紅色。
Dienia ophrydis is a terrestrial orchid. Leaves plicate, ovate, acuminate and big, 6.5 to18 cm long. Flower clustered, yellowish-green to purplish-red. Lips are in dark purplish-red. Dienia ophrydis flowering from April until June Generally grow in higher altitude, or steep banks of streams. Dienia ophrydis is widely distributed in southern China, in both tropical and temperate area. They are easily affected by vegetation management and slope work. Now, it is regarded as a least concern (LC) species in Hong Kong.
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