香港帶唇蘭Hong Kong Tainia
Tainia hongkongensis
世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄 IUCN :
近危 (NT, Near Threatened)
內容 Description:
香港帶唇蘭(Tainia hongkongensis)又名香港安蘭,屬地生蘭,深綠色的葉呈披針形或橢圓形披針形。萼片及花瓣掌狀排列,呈暗黃色,花瓣帶有有5條棕色縱線,唇瓣綠黃色至檸檬黃色。香港帶唇蘭的花期為二月下旬至五月上旬。一般可生長於潮濕山谷中、山徑旁或樹林中有時於開放灌木叢及乾燥的山脊均可發現。由於香港帶唇蘭的全球分佈局限,只能於中國東南和越南北部可發現,故此本地的保育工作具有重要意義。現時香港帶唇蘭被列為本地近危物種。
Hong Kong Tainia (Tainia hongkongensis) is a terrestrial orchid, dark green leaf with lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate shape. Septal and petal palmately arranged, dull yellow with 5 longitudinal brown lines.Lip greenish-yellow to lemon-yellow. Tainia hongkongensis flowering from late February to early May. It grows in humid valley with decaying leaves and vegetation. Sometimes, it can also be found on dry ridge-top or exposed shrubland. Tainia hongkongensis has restricted range globally, and can only be found in Southeast China and Northern Vietnam. Therefore, the local conservation works of this species are of vital importance. Locally, it is now regarded as Near Threatened(NT).